Zoning Officer
Michael Salerno
(814) 368-3564
Zoning Permit Fee $35.00
***Anyone who starts construction without an approved permit in place shall be charged TWO (2x) the rate.***
Commercial rates are *$35.00(* Zoning fees for commercial property that does not utilize the Township's appointed Code Inspection service shall be charged a minimum of $400.00 or $0.25/per square foot.)
A zoning permit is required for any new structure or addition to your property.
If you are purchasing property to build a new home you must fill out a zoning permit application. Per the Department of Environmental Protection under 25 Pa Code Chapter 102, Erosion and Sedimentation control you are required to apply for a NPDES Stormwater Construction Permit, issued by the McKean County Conservation District, for activities involving 1-acre or more of earth disturbance. Exceptions are provided for agricultural plowing or tilling activities, animal heavy use areas, timber harvesting and road maintenance activities. Pursuant to Chapter 102.43, a municipality may not issue a building or other permit or approval for projects requiring a NPDES Stormwater Construction Permit until the McKean County Conservation District has issued such permit. Penalties may apply for disturbance of 1 or may acres without a permit.
Please contact Sandy Thompson at the
McKean County Conservation District at 814 887-4001 or sdthompson@mckeancountypa.org.
A copy of your zoning application must accompany the SUBDIVISION/LAND USE APPLICATION which must be submitted to the planning commission. The planning commission meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm at the Bradford Township Municipal Building.
You will need a zoning permit for:
- New Home
- Trailer
- Mobile or Modular Home
- Additions to Home
- Garage
- Carport
- Porch or Deck
- Shed or Storage Structure
- Fence
- Swimming Pool (Inground and Above)
- New Roof (Contact Zoning Officer for specifications)
You will NOT need a zoning permit for:
- Siding
- Windows
- Interior Renovations
Once the zoning application is approved you must also file for a BUILDING PERMIT which is issued by our building inspector:
Mike Cleveland - Building Inspector
KNA Inspections
309 Interstate Parkway
Bradford, PA 16701
(814) 313-4350
You will need a building permit for:
- New Home
- Trailer
- Mobile or Modular Home
- Additions to Home
- Garage
- Porch or Deck
- Swimming Pool (Inground or Above)
- Demolition
You do NOT need a building permit for:
- Porch or Deck without Roof and less than 30 inches high
- Non-Structural Renovations/Repairs
- Interior Non Structural Renovations
- New Roof
- Siding
- Windows
- Interior Renovations
- Shed
- Fence
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